The Eastern Star home facade. Archer’s first location was a converted Pacific Palisades dance studio. (Photo credit: Cybele Zhang)
The Eastern Star home facade. Archer’s first location was a converted Pacific Palisades dance studio.

Photo credit: Cybele Zhang

Breaking: Building Inequity – Discrepancies surface between Archer Forward, Brentwood School Education Master Plan

March 3, 2018

Although Archer and Brentwood School share a block of Sunset Boulevard, the similarities between their construction plans are anything but close.

Archer is currently in the process of building a new academic center, while Brentwood is renovating both their East and West campuses.

Shown in this data, Brentwood School has had far fewer restrictions placed on them than Archer has in order to complete their construction.

All of this information was taken from public record.

Archer Assistant Head of School and Middle School Director Karen Pavliscak said that these differences between the plans were “deeply concerning.”

“I do know that the head of school, the board, and many other senior administrators [at Archer] have worked really, really hard to meet every expectation the community has put forth,” Pavliscak said. “My understanding was that there was an equal expectation for every school, and to see that that is not indeed true is very disappointing and heartbreaking.”

The Oracle reached out to the Brentwood School Campus Project, but they did not respond as of publishing.

“As an Archer administrator, I am singularly focused on getting the students of Archer the facilities they need and making sure our program is top notch for the future female leaders,” Pavliscak said. “I’d like to think that as independent schools, that we are working together and facing similar obstacles in a way that is creating opportunities for every school to thrive in the area.”

The Oracle is currently investigating these discrepancies more in-depth and will be publishing more articles on the topic in the future.

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