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The student news site of The Archer School for Girls

The Oracle

  • February 9There is no late bus Thursday, February 13.
  • February 9Upper School students are invited to attend a Drama Queens performance in the Black Box Thursday, February 13.
  • February 9There will be a Practice Early Dismissal Drill during period 4 Tuesday, February 11.
The student news site of The Archer School for Girls

The Oracle

The student news site of The Archer School for Girls

The Oracle

Submit a Letter to the Editor

As an open forum for student expression, the Oracle encourages letter submissions to the Editor-in-Chief that deal with issues pertaining to student life, welcoming diverse outlooks that may stray from commonly accepted opinions. Letters to the editor may not exceed 600 words and must be signed with contact information provided so authorship can be verified before publication. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. The editorial board reserves the right to omit letters it deems unfit for publication — letters that are libelous, obscene, invasive of another’s’ privacy or that encourage physical disruption of school activities will not be published. The editorial board also reserves the right to make grammatical modifications or cut long letters to the 600-word limit without altering the message. If the board receives many letters on the same subject, it will publish a representative sample.

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