Dear Lucy,
Today is my friend’s birthday. A bunch of our friends decorated her locker this morning with really cool paper, pictures, and a TON of candy. My friends actually put most of the candy on the inside of her locker since they didn’t want people taking it. I am really good friends with the girl whose birthday it is, but I didn’t decorate her locker because I was late to school. We are all going to celebrate her birthday at lunch today. I have to meet with my teacher to make up a quiz, so I won’t get to be there and eat the candy. Can I just go into her locker and take a piece beforehand?
Sweet Tooth
I think I understand this situation correctly. You did not buy the candy. You did not wrap the locker. You are not going to be at the “party” at lunch. I’d like to turn this around a little bit. What if, rather than candy, your friends had purchased a cake for the celebration. Should you cut a slice of the cake and eat it before the party, simply because you couldn’t be there? I think not. My best advice is to be respectful and wait until after the celebration, and then ask for a piece of candy later.
Featured Image: Lucy ponders a difficult question. Photographer: Rosemary Pastron ’16