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"The Maybe Man" on Spotify
"The Maybe Man" song-by-song review
Maybe Man

"I wish I was me, whoever that is/I could just be and not give a sh**/Hey, I'll be whatever makes you a fan/'Cause I don't know who the h*** I am"

As the first song on the album, "The Maybe Man" sets the scene for our unlikely hero, Jack, as he sings a string of dreams and doubts he has for life. Like AJR's previous albums, "The Maybe Man" acts as the overture — but not in the way fans were expecting. Unlike their previous albums, each stanza in The Maybe Man corresponds to a different song in the album:

Verse One: "Touchy Feely Fool," Verse Two: "Yes I'm a Mess," Verse Three: "Turning Out Pt. iii," Verse Four: "Steve's Going to London," Verse Five: "The Dumb Song," Verse Six: "Hole in the Bottom of My Brain," Verse Seven: "The DJ Is Crying For Help," Verse Eight: "I Won't," Verse Nine: "Inertia," Verse 10 and 11: "God is Really Real" and Verse 12: "2085."

In the outro, Jack belts the lyric, "Here I go again," signaling the cycle between life, death and self-discovery is starting once more for the listener and The Maybe Man. While I'm still unsure about the tone change over halfway through the piece, it still a very impactful way to start the album.

Touchy Feely Fool

"I'm screwed/But, hey, what can you do?/I'm a touchy feely fool/I would give anything to not give a sh** about you."

This song is a people pleaser's anthem. Despite the red flags, AJR encapsulates the inability to leave someone with obvious red flags and how it mentally affects an individual. I love when Jack screams his frustrations into the pre-chorus, but it switches back to the happy chorus because a people pleaser will continue please, of course. The more I listened to the song, the more I adapted to the ending, and now I very much enjoy this number.

Yes I'm A Mess

"And I took a job for just July/But feels like I might be here for life/Yeah, I’m in it now, I'm in it now/Could I start again somehow?"

"Yes, I'm A Mess" almost immerses the listener into a western movie set in 2023. From the whistling to the steady drumming, the listener voyages on through life while conscious they are making more of a mess of it. It's relatable and catchy, and you'll find yourself whistling along soon, too.

The Dumb Song

"When we go down/When kingdom come/Don't look at me, don't look at me/I'm just too dumb." 

While this song is called "The Dumb Song," it spotlights the painful feeling of perceiving yourself as "too dumb." With gang vocals inspired by the Beach Boys, horns and guitar give the song a facade of being lighthearted, but also give weight to the insecurity of stupidity.


"I'm an object in motion, I've lost all emotion/My two legs are broken, but look at me dance/An object in motion, don't ask where I'm going/'Cause whеre I am goin' is right where I am." 

This is my personal favorite song of this entire album. Inertia focuses on someone who knows their life is messed up but doesn't try to do anything to change the trajectory. This song highlights the numbing experience of living a subpar life and the general feeling of being lost, which is something I can definitely relate to. Though I wish the drums and horns hit harder, it's the song I connect with the most, and I will continue listening to it on repeat.

Turning Out Pt. iii

"'Cause half the time I can't love right/And I'm half yours, and you're all mine."

Turning Out Pt.iii ends a beloved trilogy, written and lived by Ryan Met. After the previous songs question being ready for love and whether the feeling is actually love, this song illustrates the anxiety of wondering if you are on the right path with this person. While this song dances around dreams and doubts, it feels like the big hug Ryan needed and a reminder that love is little, quiet and worth waiting for.

Hole in the Bottom of My Brain

"Heads up, I'm sorry to be that guy/Heads up, I'm lookin' to just get by/Let's just say, let's just say we're fine." 

Inspired by the children's song, “There’s A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea,” this song illustrates the constant feeling of missing something. The dichotomy of a children's song melody while mentioning heavier topics of addiction and struggling mental health is an interesting choice. I didn't agree with it at first until I realized the interesting irony of song. While the lyrics are stronger than the melody in this piece, it deserves a listen.

The DJ is Crying for Help

"Oh, hired, hired, can I get hired?/Yeah, I fu**** up, but I did it my way/I'm tryin', tryin', I can start Friday/Gettin' a life's a little like dyin'."

This is another top pick of the entire album for me, ever since it came out as a single all the way from November 2022. As the song title suggests, the singer is crying for help. They don't know what to do or what step to take next. The violin after the chorus ties seamlessly alongside the gang vocals, and the melodies together sound similar to what a panic attack feels like. As someone who has had panic attacks before, it's almost comforting to find a song that illustrates the internal commotion. This is one of the songs where the powerful music production shines through.

I Won't

"So I do what you tell me to and do it to death/But I can't do this sh** again."

This song is meant get your head banging along with its simple drums and rhythm. With the fast-paced singing, it feels like all the thoughts in the singer's head are finally getting out and recognizing the emotions and ideas they had been holding back. It's a thought-train song — a great song to simply just vibe and sing along with.

Steve's Going to London

"While you try to find some meaning in your life before you die/Here's a bunch of random sh** to waste your time."

This song didn't sell me at first because, unlike the rest of the album, it didn't have the same emotional hold or bigger meaning. But that's part of the point — it serves as the album's brain-empty track: a song about writing song. Add in the gang vocals bringing the song together, and it is a fun listen overall.

God is Really Real

"God is really real when you really, really need Him/Karma just appears when you suddenly believe it." 

This is the most emotional song of the album. Whether you are religious or not, "God is Really Real" highlights the desparation one feels when a loved one is close to the end. You hear it in Jack's vocals, and you hear it in the rise of the guitars and choir. It's a beautiful track for anyone who has ever lost someone.


"So if this is me, then I'll do my best/I'll take all the sh** so you'll never have to/You can be you, and I'll be the rest/Yeah, maybe that's who the h*** I am."

The ultimate conclusion to the album is incredible. While on the first listen it feels as though two songs are strung into one, it works in the context of "The Maybe Man" as a whole. He is able to reflect on what he learned — the value of connection, creativity and constant growth  — and say so in both a warm, guitar-driven piece and a larger-than-life ballad all tied in one song.

One of my favorite aspects of the song is after Jack repeats how "you" need to get better, he states, "I gotta get better; I'm all that I've got." To me, this alludes that there is a part of The Maybe Man in each of us; when we get lost in life, we all need to be reminded that we have to keep going at whatever pace is best for us.

Column: 2024 in fashion: What to look forward to in this year’s style

Photo credit: Olivia Miro
This collage features a book that showcases many of the Dior collections from 1947-2017. I hand selected a couple looks from collections dating back to the 80s all the way to 2015 that incorporate the trends I discuss in this column.

Now that we have tackled the first few months of 2024, what does that mean for fashion? Which fads or timeless trends have entered the new year with us? If you are curious if skinny jeans are making a comeback or if anything red will stay in the mainstream fashion color palette, look no further — I’ve got you. 

From a collection of intense and professional research to simply scrolling through TikTok, I concluded two things: Minimalism is in, and, unfortunately, skinny jeans have yet to see their redemption era. 

Examining my findings, it is clear that a type of minimalism never seen before has come to the forefront of fashion, one that relies on pops of color, timeless statement pieces and large staples such as trench coats and midi skirts. This type of minimalism relies on strategic placing of color and compensation with statement jewelry, straying far from late 2022 and early 2023 muted tones and matching baseball caps. Bagginess may stay present in moderation, and zebra print may join cheetah print, but this opulent minimalism stays in the limelight.

Why wear just a sweater and pants when you could put boxers underneath the pants, a polo under the sweater and a leather jacket on top of that? You might have guessed it, but layering has come into play. It’s questionable whether the style ever went away or is simply resurfacing, but it has come into 2024 with full force.  

If we take a look at the runways, we can see an overwhelming amount of designers, from Proenza Schouler to Prada, layering with sheer. With open work material being layered on top of elevated basics, fashion has looked back upon its roots in the late 2000s and 2010s, as seen in shows like “Gossip Girl.” Of course, you can also always layer like Miu Miu and take your Archer uniform for a spin into the world of the edgy prep school look, or “athletic prep” (of course, I only encourage this when you are not required to be in dress code).  

Now, what better way to add some more edge to your clothes than a stud or two? Yes, I am admitting it, studded clothing has returned, and personally, I hope it’s here to stay. You may have seen Sofia Richie’s new favorite studded Khaite clogs, which encapsulate the studded detailing I am eager to see in 2024. Paired with elevated basics and a pop of color, adding a stud or two can bring your outfit to the next level. 

It seems 2024 is entering its rock star era, from the return studs to the seemingly permanently popular color red. Whether it’s burgundy, maroon or cherry, from the runways of Bottega Veneta and Rick Owens to the fashion-obsessed teens on TikTok, red will continue to be a fan favorite heading into the later months of 2024. As seen in Gucci’s Spring 24 collection, rookie designer Sabato De Sarno presents pencil skirts, blazers and notable accessories all in a deep cherry hue. Even Rick Owens strayed from his all-black trademark and added his signature pieces in red. It is safe to say even the professionals are loving anything red this year.  

What about cheetah print? After a few months in the spotlight, I can confidently say cheetah print has not gone into the 2024 fashion season alone. All animal prints are back. This is a controversial research discovery for me, as I feel torn about the rebirth of an ethically questionable style. However, there are ways to source animal prints ethically, and from zebra to leopard, it can be done. However, fashion-wise, I am a strong believer that this statement fabric should be included in moderation and never paired together.

Finally, “subversive office wear,” as Glamour magazine labels it, has jumped out of the scenes of “The Devil Wears Prada” and into winter and spring collections. Imagine roomy dress pants, cropped blazers, asymmetrical turtle necks and thin-lensed glasses. This look tends to come out in the colder months of the year, but nonetheless, I have no doubt it will make many appearances on the runway and beyond in the coming months. 

One thing I would like to make clear before I close out this column is that fashion is subjective, and it’s meant to express you and only you. This analysis of trends is to help you to think about how fashion evolves, what parts of it you like and don’t and what trends you may include in your closet this year.

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About the Contributor
Olivia Miro
Olivia Miro, Columnist
Olivia Miro wrote a column about fashion trends. She graduated in 2024.

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