Maybe you are a student gearing up for finals and end-of-semester projects. Maybe you are an exhausted teacher who has accidentally reread the same student’s paragraph three times. Maybe you are a parent who just really wants a nap. Regardless, there is a reason you are here. During this time of year, we are all desperately craving a break.
But, I’ve got good news: winter break is just on the horizon. In the remaining few weeks until we get there, here are five of my favorite comfort movies that can, for a short while, whisk you away to another world.
November can be a tough month. I hope that for even an hour and a half, sometime this month, you’re able to find a small escape into one of these worlds.
Vivianne Arnold joined the Oracle in 2023 and became a senior reporter in 2024. She is a board member of Archer’s GSA and is involved in theater, debate and orchestra. In her free time, she enjoys reading, birdwatching and hiking.
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