#LeanInTogether: Archer collaborates with Sandberg, area girls schools for annual theme
Photo credit: Cat Oriel
One of the many #LeanInTogether campaign posters around campus. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg founded LeanIn.Org, a non-profit organization that supports women using education, networking and Lean In circles.
At Archer, each school year has its own unique theme, a specific word that students and faculty incorporate into their daily lives. This year, the theme is more than a word, it’s an international campaign: #LeanInTogether.
In 2013, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg founded LeanIn.Org, a non-profit organization that supports women using education, networking and Lean In circles. Recently, Sandberg’s foundation launched #LeanInTogether, a movement that promotes feminism, alliances among women and female leadership to fight the perception that women are natural enemies who cannot get along.
“I’ve always been a fan of LeanIn.org. I like the message and the consciousness raising of the organization,” Head of School Elizabeth English said. “My intent for partnering with them for #LeanInTogether was to bring girls into the conversation more intentionally.”
English, who along with her senior admin team comes up with the annual theme, was inspired by #LeanInTogether’s campaign video.
“I thought, ‘This is what I’ve been saying. Women are natural collaborators. We feel good when we have the opportunity to support other women,’” she said.
The movement inspired English to implement the theme outside of school too, because she is troubled by the assumption that the girls schools in Los Angeles are purely competitors, not allies.
“When I saw the video,” she said, “I thought, ‘I want to reach out to the other girls schools.’”
English reached out to other prominent Los Angeles all-girls schools, including Marlborough School, Marymount High School and Westridge School, who joined the movement as official partners.
The schools have worked together to make street light banners, currently on display all around Los Angeles, to publicize the partnership.
“I’m hoping to see our own students perhaps pitch some events that are collaborative with the other girls schools as well,” English said. “We have some other things in the works and we are looking forward to sharing as the year unfolds.”

Cat Oriel joined the Oracle staff as a contributing writer in 2015, was promoted to Voices Editor in 2017 and is now the News and Features Editor. She...