Q&A with 2016-2017 varsity basketball captains: Joyce Barahona, Alex Feldman
Photo credit: Nelly Rouzroch
Junior varsity basketball captains Joyce Barahona and Alex Feldman pose after a game against Brentwood on Dec. 1. Despite losing the game 59-55, both of the juniors still have an optimistic outlook on the rest of their season.
Despite a 0-3 start to the season, the Archer varsity basketball team is determined to turn things around and improve their record.
As Archer kicks off its winter season of sports, varsity basketball captains Joyce Barahona and Alex Feldman, both ’18, are working hard to ensure a successful season.
The Oracle sat down with Barahona and Feldman to learn more about their season so far and hear what it’s like to be the leaders of the team.
Why do you enjoy basketball?
Joyce Barahona [JB]: I enjoy basketball because it helps me manage my time wisely, and I just like the sport. It’s really fun, and I like that [on] every team that I have been on, we automatically connect and bond. Just playing the sport is really fun. You can be aggressive all you want. This year, it has challenged me a lot because I am in a new position, so it is helping me be more confident in myself.
Alex Feldman [AF]: I love the sport; I’ve been playing [basketball] forever…I also love the challenge of it. I have been point guard most of my life, and this year I have a new position. Being able to challenge yourself and lead a team is fun and challenging. I think it helps me grow not only as a basketball player, but as a person [by teaching] confidence and leadership.
JB: I’m a quiet leader in classroom, so being a captain this year is really challenging and pushing me more.
How is the season going so far?
AF: We are all giving it our best effort. We have a new coach, so we are learning all new plays and getting to know a whole new group of freshman. I think we really just have to [create] the time to bond and work together.
JB: This season I think we are just focused on the plays — we have to do this, have to go to this spot. I think this season is going to be really good. The freshman have a lot of energy, so I think it’s going to be fun.
How do you work together as co-captains?
JB: We communicate, lots of communication.
AF: Yeah, definitely. We communicate a lot, that’s the main thing.
Are you excited about working together?
AF: I’m really excited. I think it is also a challenge for both of us because we are both really quiet. We have to push each other to be louder.
What do you hope to accomplish as a team this season?
AF: Well, I hope to win league.
JB: And beat Providence! [The team is] already close, but [I hope] to get [closer] and have a really fun time in every game.
AF: [I want the team] to connect. A lot of us will be playing together next year too, so having the connection this year will also help next year.

Maya Wernick joined the Oracle in 2016 and became Voices Editor in 2017. She is a member of Archer’s Student Council, Model United Nations Club and is...

Nelly Rouzroch joined the Oracle Staff during the 2015 year and became the new Multimedia Editor in 2016. She attended Ignite Journalism University in...