Q&A with 2017-2018 varsity cross country captains: Lily Horton, Caitlin Mosch, Sara Weitz

Photo credit: Amy Lin

The varsity cross country team poses for a photo after a meet. The team has students from freshmen to seniors.

The sun beats down on her face as the runner begins her ascent. She comes from behind, traversing trails and hills.

Since August, the varsity cross country has been practicing and participating in meets. The Oracle sat down with this year’s varsity cross country captains, seniors Lily Horton, Caitlin Mosch and Sara Weitz to discuss their season so far.

How is your season going so far? 

Lily Horton [LH]: It is going well. In our last meet we moved up to 2nd place [in the league], which is really exciting. We are getting better and better; it is a good season so far.

Caitlin Mosch [CM]: We started off a little bit rough because everyone needed to get back in shape after summer. As the season has progressed, we have really started to find our place in the league and work hard. I noticed a lot people who are running for the first time have started to expand and grow as runners which is really nice to see.

 How does it feel to be a senior on the team?

Sara Weitz [SW]: It is pretty crazy. I have been on the team for seven years, so this is my final year; I can’t even believe it.

LH: Really cool…It is my last year, and I really want to make it count. We are all acting as captains right now, so having that role is really different.

CM: It is really weird just because I have been at Archer for only four years, and I have only run cross country my junior and senior years. It is nice because all of the younger girls look up to you and expect you to be a…role model. In a way ,you are living up to their expectations, but also your own and the coaches. Being a senior on an Archer sports team does hold a lot of responsibility.

What are you guys working on as a team to improve?

SW: We have just been trying to be positive. During practices it can be hard to [find motivated] when it is hot out, or if we have a really hard workout. But just staying positive as a team is important because we need to get through everything together.

LH: I think we need to know how to work together. A lot of us are staying in the mindset that it is in a individual sport, which it is. But at the same time, we are only going to do better if we encourage each other. Running together can sometimes help becuase we push each other.

What do you think is the most challenging part about cross country?

LH: Getting yourself to keep going. When you are going your race-pace you are in so much pain, but if you were to stop. you would be disappointed. It is important to finish the race.

CM: You have to continue to push through and have the discipline to keep going for all three miles.