Letter from the Editor
Photo credit: Isabella Silvers
Anna Brodsky poses in the courtyard. Brodsky is the Editor-in-Chief of the Oracle for the 2018-2019 school year.
Welcome back, Archer community! I hope you all had a fantastic summer and are ready for a great year.
I’m Anna Brodsky, the new Editor-in-Chief of the Oracle. I wanted to write to you all to tell you more about myself and what I want to accomplish in the upcoming year.
First, the basics. From the moment I set foot on campus as a sunburnt, freckled sixth grader, I felt at home. I got to know my classmates and found myself marveling at the diverse talents and abilities of the girls I shared classes with every day. When I was a rising freshman, I knew that I wanted to sign up for the journalism class so that I could shine a spotlight on the amazing things that we accomplish together. What I wasn’t expecting was how much I would learn about myself. The Oracle encouraged me to find my voice and elevate the voices of others. Through reporting, I’ve fallen in love with the Archer community all over again.
But enough of the mushy stuff. I know why you’re really reading this letter—to get the scoop on what’s coming up for the Oracle. Well, you’re in luck, my friends.
First of all, you may have noticed that we’ve redesigned our website. We wanted to make the experience of reading the Oracle an enjoyable one, and who doesn’t love an aesthetically pleasing site? I encourage you all to play around with it—I think you’ll like what you see.

The Archer Oracle app is displayed in the app store.
Another development we’re proud of is our brand-new app. I know, right? So cool. I can practically hear you asking, Anna, how can I get in on this? Just search “The Archer Oracle” on the App Store, click to download and you’ll be able to access the Oracle anytime, anywhere. And don’t forget to use our Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat accounts for breaking news and live coverage of Archer events.
The app and website aren’t the only innovations I hope to bring to the Oracle. We’re looking to diversify our news mediums. This means videos, photo essays, audio journalism—in short, more ways for all of you to engage with what’s going on at school.
One of my primary goals for the upcoming year is to increase our student readership. We work really hard on this website, and we want it to become your go-to news source on all things Archer. So go ahead, bookmark our homepage and check it out from time to time. We love it when you engage with our content in a meaningful way—don’t be shy about cheering on your Archer sisters by leaving comments on articles.
We want to hear your voices. If you have a message to share with the community, please consider writing a letter to the editor. All you have to do is click “Submit Letter” above and write your heart out (within the 600 word limit, of course!).
We really value your feedback, so if there’s anything we could be doing better, don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing oracle@archer.org. Seriously, no matter is too small—we want to serve you in the best way that we can, but we can’t do that without your input.
Thank you for reading this letter, and we can’t wait for you to see our coverage this year!
Anna Brodsky
Editor in Chief 2018-2019

Anna Brodsky joined the Oracle staff in 2016. She took a hiatus for the 2017-2018 school year to fulfill her art credit by serving as copy editor for the...

Kristin Taylor teaches scholastic journalism at the beginning and advanced level, advising the Oracle and the yearbook, Hestia’s Flame. She is a strong...
Cybele • Oct 2, 2018 at 1:11 pm
Good luck with the Oracle this year!! I can’t wait to see what you all produce, and just know I’ll be cheering you on from Palo Alto!
Anika Bhavnani • Sep 24, 2018 at 6:02 pm
Anna!!! I am SO excited and happy for you! I can’t wait to see what you bring to the Oracle this year. Keep killing it
Maya Wernick • Sep 22, 2018 at 5:24 pm
I have been waiting for this piece for SO long. Can’t wait to see what the Oracle tackles this year!
Kerry Hernandez • Sep 22, 2018 at 7:42 am
Congratulations Anna! The Oracle couldn’t be in better hands! I can’t wait to read all of the interesting articles that the Oracle will publish this year…I’m downloading the app now!
Jessica Tuchin • Sep 21, 2018 at 7:41 pm
Nelly Rouzroch • Sep 21, 2018 at 11:26 am
Yay Anna I’m so excited to see all that the Oracle is going to cover this year!
Miriam Otero • Sep 21, 2018 at 9:06 am
Good luck this year, Anna! You’ll do great!
Isabella • Sep 20, 2018 at 12:01 pm
Great article Anna, congrats on editor! I’m so excited for the Oracle this year!