Super Bowl LIII: Students react to New England win
Photo credit: Shawn Hubbard/NFL
The New England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady played in Super Bowl LIII on Feb. 3, 2019. This was Brady’s sixth Super Bowl win.
The Los Angeles Rams played the New England Patriots on Sunday, Feb. 3, at the Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia. This was the first Super Bowl the Los Angeles Rams have ever played in and the 11th for the Patriots. In the end, the Patriots won their sixth Super Bowl title, ending the game with a score of 13-3.
Sophomore Jessica Tuchin said she was “excited” that the Rams competed in the Super Bowl but was “disappointed” by the ultimate loss.
“The fact that the Rams represent LA makes me feel pride that they’re at the Super Bowl and makes me want them to win more,” she said. “I just wanted them to take it home for our city.”
The Rams returned to Los Angeles in 2016, having been in St. Louis, Missouri since 1995. Given the recent move, Emily Eshel ’21 said she was impressed that the team advanced to the game in the first place.
“I think that it’s just an accomplishment [for the Rams] — getting that far for a new team moving to LA,” Emily Eshel ‘21 said.
The football itself was not the only draw for students, however. A large part of the event is the commercials that play during breaks. According to CNBC, a 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl begins at $5.25 million.
“I’m a fan of Game of Thrones,” Eshel said, “so when they had Bud Light and Game of Thrones together, [that commercial] was good.”
Another aspect of the annual event is the halftime show. This year, Maroon 5, Travis Scott and Big Boi performed. Sophomore Ava Thompson said the performance was not “stimulating.”
“I don’t think it was the best halftime that has been on air,” Thompson said. “Adam Levine just looked so bored the whole time, and he was not really into it, which made me not really into it. I think there could’ve been more of a production.”
Despite the disappointments of this year’s game, the Super Bowl is still relevant to many students.
“[What’s special is] how America comes together just to watch one game,” Eshel said. “It’s impressive how much people care.”

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Emma London joined the Oracle as a correspondent in 2017 and as a staff writer in 2018. She is on Archer's equestrian team and plays the viola in upper...