Spring Sing: Orchestra, choir, a cappella concert showcases artistry
Photo credit: Liz Haltrecht
Upper school choir performs for the upper school during a Wednesday assembly. In the preview, they performed two songs: “Laudate Dominum” and “You Will Be Found.”
With the arrival of spring, students, faculty and parents came together to watch students sing and play instruments in this year’s spring concert on April 24 and 25. The performance featured middle school and upper school choir, a cappella and orchestra.
Senior Emma Golden, a member of both a cappella and choir, has enjoyed watching a cappella grow in members since she joined three years ago.
“This is my last concert, so obviously, it means a lot to me because I’ve been doing choir and a cappella since I first came to Archer in ninth grade,” Golden said. “The spring concert is just a way for us to showcase all of the different songs we’ve been working on throughout the year, to share them with our families, friends, the Archer community.”
Choir member Caroline Ediger ’19 sang a solo in “You Will Be Found” from the musical “Dear Evan Hansen.” Ediger described singing as an “incredibly powerful outlet” for her.
“I think this is one of the best semesters of choir I’ve ever had,” Edgar said. “One of the most powerful experiences humans can have is singing together, and I really felt that this year and we’ve chosen some songs that I feel I can really connect to.”
Sophomore orchestra member Emma London has been in orchestra for three years and plays the viola.
“[The concert is] always one of the most fun activities during the school year, and we all stay really late but all bond together because of that,” London said. “It’s always fun to root for my friends in the choir and then cry because it’s the seniors’ last concert.”