Students vandalize school bathrooms, Archer leaders respond

Photo credit: Samantha Hazell-O'Brien

A window of a bathroom is defaced with wet toilet paper. This is the second bathroom whose ceilings, walls and windows were vandalized this week with wet toilet paper and paper towels.

By Greta Irvine, Editor in Chief

Bathrooms on campus were vandalized by unknown students this past week. The ceilings, walls and windows of two bathrooms were defaced with wet toilet paper and paper towels.

“[The situation] was reported to Ms. Hazell-O’Brien by students, and then, the second time, it was a teacher,” Director of Academic Programs Reed Farley said. “The good news is that members of our community — when they’re seeing it — are bring it directly to our attention.”

Dean of Student Life, Equity and Inclusion Samantha Hazell-O’Brien addressed the situation in an email to the community, which Farley noted was sent in hopes of stopping the behavior and to request that others with any information come forward.

“It is extremely disappointing that members of our community would treat our school this way,” Hazell-O’Brien wrote. “This school is everyone’s home, and we’re going to treat it appropriately; too many people work hard every day to keep our campus accessible, clean and beautiful.”

Currently, the students who carried out the vandalism remain unknown.

“Once we identify who was responsible, we would then take a non-coercive, disciplined approach,” Farley said.

Senior chair of the Honor Education Council Gabrielle Wolf — a council dedicated to upholding the Honor Code and adjudicating violations — discussed the purpose of bringing this situation to HEC as it develops in the future.

“We really want to treat the environment — our environment — with respect,” Wolf said. “So, by starting in our own community, and having Honor Council [convene], it shows that we really want to respect our student and our space.”