Club leader, activist Sasha Capatori-Poole strives to spread awareness for animal rights
Photo credit: Allegra Carney
Sasha Capatori-Poole (’26) poses in front of the Eastern Star Gallery. She is a leader of the animal rights club and is passionate about spreading awareness on the topic.
January 24, 2023
Upon arriving to Archer in seventh grade, Sasha Capatori-Poole (’26) knew she wanted to join the Animal Rights club. She reached out to the leaders of the club, who let Capatori-Poole co-lead alongside them. From presentations to volunteering opportunities, Capatori-Poole’s number one goal is for the community to become more educated on animal rights.
Capatori-Poole said she has always had a connection to animals, which she attributes to her parents. She was raised as a pescatarian and now chooses to be a vegetarian to further create change.
“I’m actually vegetarian now for five years…That’s something pretty large that I’m doing to help animals not go extinct and just to advocate for animal rights,” Capatori-Poole said.
Once Capatori-Poole became a head leader of the club in her second year at Archer, she decided that some changes needed to be made. In order to have more conversations and consistency, she decided to host the club every other week.
“After Chloe and Zoey left last year, we were leading our club once a month,” Capatori-Poole said, “but I found that, oftentimes, we might forget that there was a club meeting or someone just couldn’t make it, like one of us leaders,”
In Animal Rights club meetings, members present on different strategies to help animals in need and how to get more involved through things such as volunteering. Capatori-Poole said she hopes her club will spread more awareness about what animals go through in the meat industry and wishes Archer would bring the issue of animal rights and the meat industry to the forefront of conversations.
“I hope in the future that Archer can become more respectful and be a more ethical school in general,” Capatori-Poole said.
In her everyday life, Capatori-Poole said she is inspired by people around her who share the same passion for helping animals.
“Seeing this sanctuary at the farmers market that I visited frequently and seeing people advocating for animal rights inspires me,” Capatori-Poole said.
One of the co-leaders of the club, Lila Paschall (’24), recalls her first impression of Capatori-Poole. She said she was very inviting and passionate and, although Capatori-Poole is a vegetarian herself, she doesn’t pressure others.
“I heard that she really likes animals and is very passionate about animal rights,” Paschall said. “I think she’s very inclusive to everyone. You know, not everyone in the club has to be a vegetarian, and she’s very willing to share ways to help animals — not just your eating habits.”
When reflecting on what she hopes members of her club takeaway from her meetings, she said she wishes they become more aware of the violations that animals face and find ways to help.
“I just want people to learn a higher respect for animals and for life,” Capatori-Poole said,”and just to always be kind and caring towards other people and animals who may need their help,”