Dear Lucy,
What exactly is the Honor Education Council and what does it do?
Curious in 9th grade
Dear Curious,
You ask a great question. The Honor Education Council (HEC) is a group of student-elected members of the community. There are three representatives per grade in the Upper School, plus three faculty members. All students and faculty members are elected to serve 2-year terms, and many choose to run for reelection at the end of their term. The HEC follows the Honor Constitution (found at the back of the Handbook) and has two main functions. The first is to educate the community about the Honor Code while promoting an ethical school culture. The HEC does this by going to grade level meetings, hosting weekly open meetings, and talking with faculty, too. The second responsibility of the HEC is to adjudicate violations of the Honor Code for Upper Schoolers. In the adjudication process, the HEC carefully discusses and formulates a recommendation of consequences; which is then shared with the Director of the Upper School, Ms. Coyne Donnel.
I hope this answers your questions. If you have more, please feel free to put a question in box in the library or join the HEC meetings on Tuesdays at lunch in room 146.
Featured Image: Lucy ponders a difficult question. Photographer: Rosemary Pastron ’16