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The student news site of The Archer School for Girls

The Oracle

The student news site of The Archer School for Girls

The Oracle

The student news site of The Archer School for Girls

The Oracle

Oona Seppala

Oona Seppala, Multimedia Editor

Oona Seppala joined the Oracle in 2022, was a senior reporter in 2023 and became the multimedia editor in 2024. She plays on the varsity tennis team and is a member of Archer’s a cappella group, the Honor Education Council and the Service Squad. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her friends, reading and volunteering.

All content by Oona Seppala
A cartoon stick figure ponders which holiday film to choose on a night in. For as long as I can remember, a cup of sweet hot chocolate and a Christmas classic have been the epitome of holiday spirit. (Graphic illustration by Oona Seppala, made on Canva)

5 festive films to watch this holiday season

By Oona Seppala, Multimedia Editor
December 16, 2024
The Security Council Chamber lies empty on a June afternoon. During a guided tour of the United Nations Building in New York, I was lucky enough to go into the General Assembly, Security Council, ECOSOC and Trusteeship Council and learn about the purpose of each council.

Op-Ed: Is the UN still relevant?

By Oona Seppala, Multimedia Editor
February 1, 2024

Read the book

By Oona Seppala, Multimedia Editor
May 1, 2023
My father and I celebrate my second birthday in 2009. In my family, birthdays are heavily celebrated and many memories of wishing to be older come from these parties. 

Commentary: A teenage dream

By Oona Seppala, Multimedia Editor
March 3, 2023
Allegra Carney staff photo 2022

[Photo] Allegra Carney

September 13, 2022
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