Editorial: Where do we go from here?
Photo credit: Cat Oriel
Jayla Brown ’18 holds a sign that says “End Gun Violence Now” during the National Walkout on Mar. 14. The walkout caused difficult yet necessary conversations around campus. The Editorial Board encourages students to continue to advocate against gun violence in schools.
“Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
In Archer’s AP English Language class, juniors read “Where do we go from here?: Chaos or Community” written by Martin Luther King Jr. In his fourth and final book, King reflects upon the Civil Rights Movement and highlights the importance of achieving social justice and equity through non-violence. He emphasizes messages of hope and unity.
Additionally, he grapples with a question that we have recently found ourselves asking: Where do we go from here?
The month of March has a name fitting for the major events that occurred throughout the past few weeks. From celebrating Women’s History Month with A Day Without Women, to students walking out of their classes during the #Enough National School Walkout and, finally, hundreds of thousands “Marching for Our Lives,” it was certainly a month of remembrance and activism.
Archer’s walkout spurred differing opinions and slight division throughout the community, but allowed for difficult, yet necessary dialogue. When controversy occurs, especially that caused by miscommunication, it’s important to not simply forget about it and move on, but to truly learn from it. We have to learn how to respect differing opinions and perspectives without turning our backs against each other.
Although it may feel like the walkout has been discussed over and over again, the conversation must not end, but rather, it must progress.
Internal tensions during protests and activism movements can dilute the intended mission, so it’s easy to lose sight on what really matters. We must remember what we are all fighting for: gun control and eliminating gun violence in our schools.
As an Editorial Board, we agree that guns have no place in our schools. A good guy with a gun will not stop a bad guy with a gun. Schools should prioritize providing students with supplies, books and nourishing food — not equipping teachers with semi-automatic rifles.
So, the questions still remain: Where will we, as an Archer community, go from here? Will we choose chaos? Or community?
Let’s not be a school that allows our differences to break us. Let’s learn from the month of March and use this experience to unite Archer. We must choose community, not chaos. We must choose love.
So, the next question to ask ourselves is “how?”
From contacting your representatives, registering to vote or donating to gun-control organizations there are many ways to get involved in the fight against gun-violence. Organizations, like The Brady Campaign and Women Against Gun Violence, highlight ways to take action and get involved.
The advent of the spring season brings about new beginnings, so it’s time to take the next steps in fighting violence in schools. This month, let’s celebrate Activism April. Change won’t happen until we progress the conversation and turn our words into effective action, united in our Archer community.

The Oracle's student editorial board, led by the Editor-in-Chief, makes all decisions that pertain directly to the Oracle and has final say over all content....