Don’t go bakin’ my heart: Students share Valentine’s Day plans amidst pandemic
Photo credit: Nyah Fernandez
During Valentine’s Day, Junior Anny Rodriguez feels that “the connections that you make, the beauty and just being there together and being friends makes me so happy.”
February 15, 2021
February: a month filled with love, chocolates and flowers. Many around the world celebrate the February holiday of Valentine’s Day holiday with their significant others or loved ones. Since COVID-19 is still an active virus and many cannot gather in groups to see each other, the Oracle asked students to share their opinions on what Valentine’s Day means to them.
Junior Gabby Wolf expressed her feelings about Valentine’s Day as being “beneficial” for her own self-love. Considering how social media portrays this day, she finds it is also good to take care of herself.
“I think it allows me to focus more on myself as a whole,” Wolf said. “I think that I get to just keep focusing on that more, which is beneficial and is very fluid.”
Wolf reflects on what Valentine’s means to her and how she feels that the “simple things”.
“It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, a lot of people associate with the grand gestures and how that is the ideal type of gift,” Wolf said. “I think that personally for me, I like something that’s more genuine in my opinion.”
Sophomore Presley Wernick explains how she feels disappointed that she is unable to see her friends this Valentine’s Day due to COVID-19.
“Although I can’t see my friends this year, hopefully, I’ll be able to connect with one or two of my friends in my bubble so that I can see them from the past some social events,” Wernick said.
Wernick said she feels “motivated” when she is able to see the people closest to her, especially around Valentine’s Day.
“I think whenever I see my friends, I get really happy,” Wernick said. “I’m so excited to see them because quarantine has been very hard — so knowing that I will be seeing people probably this weekend is definitely something that motivates me to be excited.”
Junior Anny Rodriguez explains her feelings towards Valentine’s Day and how the meaning has changed throughout her life.
“Valentine’s Day has never really been a big thing in my house or back in middle school but, as of right now it has become quite important to me, mainly because there isn’t any other outlet that I have,” Rodriguez said. “Quarantine has made things a lot harder in the sense of feeling a connection to the world.”
Rodriguez feels that being at an all-girls school has definitely helped change her perspective towards the meaning of Valentine’s Day.
“I thought of Valentine’s Day as only a romantic thing like between, two romantic partners and I thought it was like when a partner shows their affection and they love for another,” Rodriguez said. “I think being at an all-girls school, kind of sparked that side of Valentine’s Day of showing I didn’t have to have a romantic partner to celebrate it because I had best friends or I had practically sisters that I was able to celebrate with.”
Junior Anny Rodriguez said her feelings about Valentine’s Day and its meaning have changed throughout her life.
“I think for me it’s become more important to show my close friends that I appreciate them,” Rodriguez said. “Valentine’s Day isn’t just for romantic love but love between friends and to show how much you value your friendship with them.”