Bat Boy: The Musical concludes as last Blackbox musical production
Photo credit: Maya Wernick
Shira Goldstein ’19 sings about the struggles of being part beast in a world of humans. Goldstein played Edgar, or Bat Boy, in the musical.
After four months, tears and one bat-boy, the final musical in the Blackbox has come to a close.
Bat Boy: The Musical, which took place on Nov. 9 to 11, was especially emotional for the seniors, as it was their last chance to perform, sing and contribute to an Archer musical.
Seniors Gemma Brand-Wolf and Noa Diamond served as assistant directors of the show. Fellow seniors Dani Beauregard, Omari Benjamin, Sophie Evans-Katz, Sara Friedman and Julianna Goldsmith acted in the show. Sydney Shintani, Esther Dafoe and Marlena Lerner, the senior crew members, did the final lighting, sound and sets for musical.
“Bat Boy is about what it’s like to find yourself — something that I know all of us seniors are trying to do as we prepare to leave Archer,” Brand-Wolf said in an email interview. “I am so grateful to have been a part of Bat Boy and Archer theater in general. While I’m sad that this was the last [musical] in the Blackbox, I think this was a fitting way to say goodbye to a space that has shaped so many students over the years.”
The gallery below highlights moments from the Thursday faculty show.

Maya Wernick joined the Oracle in 2016 and became Voices Editor in 2017. She is a member of Archer’s Student Council, Model United Nations Club and is...

Nelly Rouzroch joined the Oracle Staff during the 2015 year and became the new Multimedia Editor in 2016. She attended Ignite Journalism University in...