Senior art show ‘Perennial’ explores themes of childhood, imagination, nostalgia

Photo credit: Lola Thomas

Two archer students visit the Senior Visual Arts show. The show first opened on Wednesday, April 12 and closed on April 14.

By Lola Thomas, Culture Editor

Furniture submerged in Orbeez, paintings of swimming pools and uniquely crafted ceramic lamps were all things students found at the senior arts show “Perennial,” Wednesday, April 12.

Seniors Mia Makower, Lucy Lassman and Georgia Ehrlich’s artwork followed the theme of “Perennial,” exploring vibrant colors, childhood, the idea of infinity and nostalgia. The show ran April 12-14. Arts teacher Olivia Moon said the artists created their own theme and choose all other executive decisions regarding the art show.

“This is what all three of them came up with,” Moon said. “I just guided them through the process, but the concept was theirs.”

Moon said she guided Ehrlich throughout making her ceramic pieces. She said Ehrlich put in the effort to challenge herself with creating new things and improving her technique.

“Georgia is one of the best potters that I have in my classes — she wanted to challenge herself to throw bigger [pieces of clay] in order to improve her skills,” Moon said.

Artwork by Georgia Ehrlich
Artwork by Georgia Ehrlich shows ceramic vases. These vases were only a few of the ceramic pieces displayed at the Senior Visual Arts Show, “Perennial. “The show ran April 12-14.  (Photo credit: Lola Thomas)

Moon taught Ehrlich ceramics since seventh grade. She said having Moon as a ceramics teacher has been an impactful experience.

“[Moon] is an incredible teacher — she’s incredibly involved when I need her to be and when I have questions, but she’s also very good at letting me have my space and letting [me] figure out things on my own,” Ehrlich said. “She has been always really supportive of my work, which I’m really grateful for.”

Ehrlich said creating art for the senior visual arts show was a process that required a lot of sacrifices. She said that she had to make time during the school day and after school for ceramics.

“I was in the ceramics studio at lunch pretty much every day all the way through 11th grade,” Ehrlich said. “That was a big commitment.”

Makower made her pieces throughout both middle and high school. She said that their vibrant and striking features was a big factor in deciding the theme.

"Reminisce" by Mia Makower
“Reminisce” by Mia Makower depicts a woman smoking with a younger girl shown within the smoke. Makower said that this is was one of her favorite pieces to create.  (Photo credit: Lola Thomas)

“It was fun to bring them all in and display [them],” Makower said. “They all go well together.”

Makower’s pieces tap into the childhood aspect of “Perennial” because of their vivid colors and imaginative themes. One painting depicts a woman smoking, and within the smoke is herself as a child. Makower titled this piece “Reminisce.”

“It’s reminiscent of getting older and losing parts of your imagination and becoming more grounded in reality,” Makower said.

Lassman’s pieces were inspired by the idea of immortalization and making the gallery resemble a home. She created her artwork using orbeez and small pieces of furniture.

Seventh-graders Sophie Salehi and Sydney Lem said that Lucy’s artwork was unique and interesting.

Artwork by Lucy Lassman
Artwork by Lucy Lassman depicts small pieces of furniture submerged in orbeez. Seventh-grader Sydney Lem said this piece was unique and something she hadn’t seen before.  (Photo credit: Lola Thomas)

“I really felt inspired by that piece,” Salehi said.

Lassman said that her pieces were made to add an aspect of home to the theme “Perennial.”

“Living in a home is only temporary, but the things that make up a home like chairs and beds last forever,” Lassman said. “It was a really interesting way to complement what Georgia and Mia did for their pieces.”

Makower and Ehrlich said that they hope their art and work ethic inspires the Archer community to create art themselves and step outside of their comfort zone.

“Hopefully it’s just a chance for people to come and kind of escape any stress that they may be feeling,” Makower said, “and hopefully have some fun as well.”