Meet the Candidate: Nyah Fernandez ’22
Photo credit: Ultimate Exposures
May 5, 2020
2020-2021 Exec Board candidates filled out applications for the position. All candidates were given the opportunity to share those responses with the Oracle for the student body to read.
1) Choose a leadership quote and in a short paragraph explain how it applies to your “style” of leadership and why.
This quote speaks to me in so many ways, I choose this quote because it simplifies life and what people go through. In order to succeed you have to fail. You work harder once you fail because you want to achieve it more and you have that drive of passion. Kobe Byrant is and will always be an inspiration to me. After watching his documentry he showed me what determination looks like and what you have to do in order to succeed in what you are passionate about.
2) As a student council member, what important goals would you have for the Student Council? For Archer?
Some important goals that I would have for Student Council and for Archer is to make sure that the students are heard. I want to make student council a space where people can be heard and be listened to about their ideas. I also also want to make sure that Student Council helps with planning fun events for the Archer community.. not only for the students but also for the teachers because everyone needs a break during the school year to just relax and have fun.
3) What are your plans for increasing school spirit and student participation at Archer?
Some plans for increasing school spirit and student participation at Archer would be to have a day where every grade face paints their face with their class color and wears it all day. We can also have a school movie night and have a day in the courtyard when it is really hot to eat popsicles and all kinds of frozen treats 🙂
4) What role(s) do you think Student Council should play at Archer? Is Student Council currently fulfilling that role? If not, what changes do you propose to make it happen?
Some roles that I think Student Council should play at Archer would be to help share ideas, interest, and concerns with teachers and the board. Being on Student Council, it is also your job to make sure that you are a great listener and communicator with not just the exec board but with the whole school. Also if you are a part of Student Council you can help raise funds with school-wide activities, including social events, community projects, and helping people in need. I think Student Council is doing an amazing job fulfilling that role and I want to do my part in helping out. I really want to be a part of Student Council to share some opinions that maybe have not been shared yet or highlighted towards the Archer community of what needs to be solved or done.
5) Why do you want to be on Student Council, really?
The reason I want to be on student council is because I feel like student council is a great way to bond with many grades and to plan fun events. I really want to help the Archer community plan for fun events for the students and get Archer known as a great school not only academically but socially. I want to be that person that you can share ideas to and make sure that you get your voice heard because. I want to be that voice for you and help you be heard in situations when you feel that you are not.