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Disconnecting as a family: ‘Keep Calm and Parent On’ meeting promotes wellness through relationships

Photo credit: Lola Thomas
Parents gather for an Archer School for Parents meeting Thursday, Jan. 10. Participants discussed strategies for wellness and set goals for their families to reduce their screen time. 

Many people set resolutions to achieve short-term goals with lasting impacts during the first few days of the new year. Some goals include traveling more, getting organized or living a healthier lifestyle. For Archer parents, many of their goals encompassed wellness for themselves and their child.

The Archer School for Parents hosted a “Keep Calm and Parent On” event in the parlor Wednesday, Jan. 10. Participants shared parenting techniques and advice on staying calm throughout complex moments in parenthood. Innovative Learning Coordinator Malia McClurg said the purpose of the event was to provide tangible resources and guidance to parents about managing screen time.

“The ultimate goal for this one is how we can identify values that we have as a community and then respond versus react when times get tough,” McClurg said.

The upper school Culture and Community Block Friday, Jan. 5, introduced “Dry January,” a monthlong technology cleanse challenge for high schoolers. Students will be asked to reflect on their technology use during mentorship time and participate in “Tech-Free Fridays” at lunch. McClurg said the goal of having students disconnect intersects with the strategies presented to parents.

“Parents are also trying to balance and take stock of what they’re doing in terms of technology and how it’s impacting their life,” McClurg said. “The intersection is that we are a community who’s trying to balance well-being and relationships.”

Eighth grader Tea Walker’s parent Justin Walker said he is looking forward to utilizing the strategies and advice he learned during the parent meeting to set boundaries at home for himself and his family when it comes to technology use.

“[I plan] to be very specific with myself — if it means no phones at dinner, it means no phones at dinner for everybody, which is a rule,” Justin Walker said. “Be very specific about what it is you want from [your kids] so that there’s not more anxiety.”

An iPhone screen depicts a call for family time. According to Pew Research, 86% of parents believe screens lessen their quality time with teens. (Graphic Illustration by Lola Thomas)

According to ABC News, teens spend an average of seven hours on their phones per day and are often unaware of how much time they are spending on screens. Eighth grader Hollyn Alpert’s parent Mia Alpert said she plans to prioritize family connection to lessen the amount of time she and her family spend on their phones.

“Something as simple as just taking a walk outside as a family and being in nature together can do so much to counteract the negative effects of technology,” Mia Alpert said. “I was surprised by just how simple that is.”

When asked about the impact of Archer School for Parents meetings, Justin Walker said he most values being a part of a community during the events. He said gaining insights from other parents gave him a helpful perspective on parenting.

“I think it was nice to hear that the other parents have the same struggles — whether their children are seniors or lower middle school or upper school, we’re all facing the same types of things,” Justin Walker said. “That was nice to hear and also surprising.”

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Lola Thomas
Lola Thomas, Senior Reporter
Lola Thomas joined The Oracle as a staff reporter in 2022 and became a senior reporter in 2023. She is a part of the Ambassador Leadership Team, serves on the Black Student Union Board, and is a member of the Unaccompanied Minors. You can find her listening to music, hanging out with her friends, and playing with her puppy in her free time.

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